Letter to the editor regarding the paper “S2k-Guideline hand antisepsis and hand hygiene”
Maren Eggers 1Katrin Steinhauer 2
Florin H.H. Brill 3
1 Labor Prof. Dr. G. Enders MVZ GbR, Stuttgart, Germany
2 bactologicum GmbH, Itzehoe, Germany
3 Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology, Hamburg, Germany
Letter to the editor
Dear editor,
The authors noticed a sensitive mistake in the paper S2k-Guideline hand antisepsis and hand hygiene in chapter 5, recommendation 28 [1]. The claims used for activity against viruses are misspelled and may lead to misleading interpretations of the claims. This is likely due to a translation failure from German to English. Consequently, we would like to give the correct claims in Table 1 [Tab. 1].
Table 1: Activity claims for disinfectants and antiseptics against viruses in the human medicine area
Competing interests
The author declares that he has no competing interests.
Authors’ ORCIDs
- Eggers M: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8485-9485
- Steinhauer K: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4218-6152
- Brill FHH: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9681-8752
[1] Kramer A, Seifert J, Abele-Horn M, Arvand M, Biever P, Blacky A, Buerke M, Ciesek S, Chaberny I, Deja M, Engelhart S, Eschberger D, Gruber B, Hedtmann A, Heider J, Hoyme UB, Jäkel C, Kalbe P, Luckhaupt H, Novotny A, Papan C, Piechota H, Pitten FA, Reinecke V, Schilling D, Schulz-Schaeffer W, Sunderdiek U. S2k-Guideline hand antisepsis and hand hygiene. GMS Hyg Infect Control. 2024 Sep 6;19:Doc42. DOI: 10.3205/dgkh000497[2] DIN EN 14476:2019-10: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity in the medical area - Test method and requirements (Phase 2/Step 1); German version EN 14476:2013+A2:2019. Berlin: Beuth; 2019 Oct. p. 47. DOI: 10.31030/2348424
[3] DIN EN 14885:2023-07: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Application of European Standards for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics; German version EN 14885:2022 + AC:2023. Berlin: Beuth; 2023 Jul. p. 78. DOI: 10.31030/3423025
[4] ECHA European Chemicals Agency. Guidance on the Biocidal Products Regulation – Version 6.0 August 2023. Volume II, Efficacy, Parts B+C. Assessment and evaluation. Helsinki: European Chemicals Agency; 2023. DOI: 10.2823/55971
[5] Eggers M, Schwebke I, Suchomel M, Fotheringham V, Gebel J, Meyer B, Morace G, Roedger HJ, Roques C, Visa P, Steinhauer K. The European tiered approach for virucidal efficacy testing - rationale for rapidly selecting disinfectants against emerging and re-emerging viral diseases. Euro Surveill. 2021 Jan;26(3):2000708. DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.3.2000708