
GMS Journal of Arts Therapies – Journal of Art-, Music-, Dance-, Drama- and Poetry-Therapy

Wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft für Künstlerische Therapien (WFKT)


About GMS Journal of Arts Therapies


GMS Journal of Arts Therapies publishes scientific articles in and across the disciplines of art, music, dance, drama, and poetry therapy. It is the official organ of the German Scientific Association for Arts Therapies (Wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaft für Künstlerische Therapien, WFKT), founded in 2017, and is published regularly as an unrestricted open access journal. Published articles are thus available worldwide to all interested parties without any additional costs.

Submissions may include research articles, review articles, project reports, short communications, as well as discussion papers and comments on creative arts therapies, arts in medicine and psychotherapy, as well as arts and health. Submissions employing the entire spectrum of methodologies in the arts therapies are welcome, from evidence-based medicine and quantitative research, through research on therapeutic factors and clinical mechanisms, observational studies, qualitative research, case studies, and artistic inquiry to arts-based research. We advocate participatory and ethically reflected research principles.

Manuscripts submitted to GMS Journal of Arts Therapies are accepted in German and English. An English abstract is required for all publications.
Costs per article (only for articles accepted for publication)

  • 400 € for non-members
  • 250 € for members
  • 100 € for students without connection to an academic institution

Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts are subject to a peer review process to ensure high scientific quality and innovation. Submitted manuscripts are assessed by experts in the relevant field who publish scientifically. A minimum of two experts are asked to evaluate the submitted manuscript. The period for preparing the review is 28 working days. Review reminders are sent after this deadline.

An online review sheet is available for detailed review comments and modification requests for the manuscript. The author receives these comments in anonymized form. The review closes with a classification of the work into one out of four categories:

  • Accepted in the present form
  • Revisions necessary (including major and minor revisions)
  • Rejected, resubmission possible
  • Rejected

In case of substantially differing reviews, i.e. if only one of the experts speaks for the acceptance, a third review will be obtained. The work will be accepted for publication when the requested changes of the reviewers and/or the editors have been sufficiently fulfilled.


Prof. Dr. Sabine C. Koch
Director of the Research Institute for Creative Arts Therapies (RIArT)
Professor for Empirical Research in the Arts Therapies
Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences
Campus II
Villestraße 3
53347 Alfter/Bonn, Germany

Dr. Susann Kobus
Department of Paediatrics I
University Hospital
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen, Germany

Editorial Board

Music Therapy

Prof. Dr. Felicity Baker
Melbourne Conservatorium of Music
The University of Melbourne
The Conservatorium Building (Gate 12)
Royal Parade, Parkville
Victoria 3010, Australia

Dr. Thomas Bergmann
University of the Arts
Einsteinufer 43-53
10587 Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. Michele Forinash
Lesley University Boston
29 Everett St
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

Dr. Brian T. Harris
202 W 40th St, Suite 403
New York, NY 10018, USA

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hillecke
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Ludwig-Guttmann-Straße 6
69123 Heidelberg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Weymann
Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
Harvestehuder Weg 12
20148 Hamburg, Germany

Dr. Martina de Witte
HAN University of Applied Science / University of Amsterdam
Kapittelweg 33
6525 EN – Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Art Therapy

Prof. Dr. Karin Dannecker
Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
Bühringstraße 20
3086 Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Elbing
Studiengänge für Künstlerische Therapien
HfWU Nuertingen-Geislingen University
Sigmaringer Straße 15/2
72622 Nürtingen, Germany

Prof. Dr. Nancy Gerber
Florida State University
Department of Art Education
600 W. College Avenue
Tallahassee FL 32306, USA

Prof. Dr. Harald Gruber
Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences
Villestraße 3
53347 Alfter, Germany

Dr Lisa Hinz
Dominican University of California
50 Acacia Avenue,
San Rafael, CA 94901, USA

Prof. Dr. Dafna Regev
University of Haifa
Abba Khoushy Ave 199
Haifa, Israel

Prof. Dr. Constanze Schulze-Stampa
Nuertingen-Geislingen University (HfWU)
Campus: CI12 005
Marktstr. 16, 72622 Nürtingen, Germany

Prof. Peter Sinapius
Medical School Hamburg
Am Kaiserkai 1
20457 Hamburg, Germany

Dance Movement Therapy

Prof. Dr. Iris Bräuninger
Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik (HfH)
Schaffhauserstrasse 239
Postfach 5850, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Fabian Chyle-Silvestri
SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Ludwig-Guttmann-Straße 6
69123 Heidelberg, Deutschland

Dr. Kim Dunphy†
CATRU - Creative Arts Therapies Research Unit
University of Melbourne, Australia

Dra. Diana Fischman, PhD; BC-DMT
Dance Movement Therapy Training Program Brecha Buenos Aires
Prof. at Maestría en DMT, Universidad de las Artes, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Quesada 3470, CABA 1430, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Prof. Dr. Sherry W. Goodill
Department of Creative Arts Therapies
College of Nursing and Health Professions, Drexel University
1601 Cherry St
Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA

Prof. Dr. Rainbow Tin Hung Ho
The University of Hong Kong
2F, 5 Sassoon Road
Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Prof. Dr. Vicky Karkou
Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine
Edge Hill University
St Helens Road,
Ormskirk L39 4QP, UK

Drama Therapy

Prof. Dr. Rinat Feniger-Schaal
Center for the Study of Child Development
University of Haifa
Abba Khoushy Ave 199
Haifa, Israel

Dr. Craig Haen
New York University
Department of Applied Psychology
246 Greene Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10003, USA

Prof. Dr. Hod Orkibi
University of Haifa
Abba Khoushy Ave 199
Haifa, Israel

Dr. Susanna Pendzik
Tel-Hai Academic College (Galilee)
Qiryat Shemona,
1220800, Israel

Prof. Dr. Nisha Sajnani
New York University,
Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions
35 W. 4th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10012, USA

Poetry Therapy

Prof. Dr. Silke Heimes
Hochschule Darmstadt
Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg, Germany